BenQ Joybook Q41-LE04
Rp 8.050.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T5550 1.8GHz (2MB L2Cache,
667MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
120GB S-ATA 5400 rpm |14.1
inch Wide Glare | SIS Mirage
3D Share up to 256MB | DVD
SuperMulti | 4USB | FireWire
| Card Reader 4 in 1 Wlan
Lan Modem | Bluetooth |
Linux. Bonus Web Cam &
BenQ Joybook Q41-PE03
Rp 9.950.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 2Ghz |
1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
DVD±RW | 14.1 inch WXGA |
SiS Mirage 3D | WiFi LAN
Modem Bluetooth | 5 in 1
Card Reader | Dual LCD
Display | Vista Home
Premium. (Bonus: Upgrade
Memory to 2GB + 1.3MP
Webcam + Optical Mouse)
BenQ Joybook Q41-PE05
Rp 10.550.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T8100 2.10GHz 3MB L2 Cache,
800MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
160GB S-ATA | 14.1 inch Wide
Glare | SIS Mirage 3D Share
up to 256MB | DVD
SuperMulti | FireWire | Card
Reader 4 in 1 | Wlan Lan |
Modem Bluetooth | Vista
Home Premium |Bonus Web
Cam & Mouse
BenQ Joybook R42-407
Rp 7.900.000
Intel Core Duo T2250-1,73GHz
| Ram 512Mb DDR2 | 80GB
HDD | 14,1 inch SSV | DVD-
RW | Modem | LAN | WiFi |
Linux (Free : Upgrade to 1Gb
DDR2 + Mouse)
BenQ Joybook R43-LE03
Rp 7.350.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T7250
1.66GHz | 1 Gb DDR2 | 160GB
SATA | DVD±RW | 14.1 inch
WXGA | VIA UniChrome Max
256MB | Atheros WiFi | LAN |
Modem | Bluetooth | Linux.
(Bonus: Flash Disk 1GB,
BenQ Joybook R43-LE13
Rp 6.050.000
Intel Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz
| 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
DVD±RW | 14.1 inch WXGA |
SIS Mirage | WiFi | LAN |
Modem | Bluetooth | Linux
BenQ Joybook R45-LE04
Rp 8.675.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 1.8GHz
| 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA |
DVD±RW | 14.1 inch WXGA |
Nvidia GeForce 8400MG | WiFi
| Gigabit LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Webcam | Card
Reader | Linux
BenQ Joybook R45-LE14
Rp 7.050.000
Intel Centrino Dual Core T2390
1.86GHz (1MB L2Cache,
533MHz FSB) |1GB DDR2 |
160GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 14.1
inch Wide Glare | nVIDIA Ge
Force 8400 128MB max to
895Mb | DVD SuperMulti |
4USB | FireWire | 2.0 Mpixel
Q-Eye | Card Reader | Wlan |
Lan | Modem | Bluetooth |
Linux. Bonus Optical Mouse
BenQ Joybook R45-LE19
Rp 9.350.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T5750 2.0GHz (2MB L2Cache,
667MHz FSB) |1GB DDR2 |
250GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 14.1
inch Wide Glare | nVIDIA Ge
Force 8400 128MB max to
895Mb | DVD SuperMulti |
4USB | FireWire | 2.0 Mpixel
Q-Eye | Card Reader 4 in 1 |
Wifi | Lan | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux. Bonus
Optical Mouse
BenQ Joybook R56-PE23
Rp 9.050.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T7250 2.0GHz (2MB L2 Cache,
800MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
120GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 15.4
inch Wide Glare | nVIDIA Ge
Force 8400 128MB max to
895Mb | DVD SuperMulti |
FireWire | 1.3 Mpixel Q-Eye |
Card Reader 4 in 1 Wifi
Lan Modem Bluetooth
Linux. Bonus Optical Mouse
BenQ Joybook S31V-413
Rp 8.100.000
Intel Core Duo T2250-1,73GHz
| Ram 512 Mb DDR2 | 100GB
HDD | 14,1 inch SSV | DVD-
RW | Modem | LAN | WiFi |
CAMERA | Bluetooth | Linux
Free : Upgrade to 1,5Gb DDR2
+ Mouse
BenQ Joybook S32-LE02
Rp 9.000.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 1.8GHz
| 1GB DDR2 | 120GB SATA |
DVD±RW | 13.3 inch WXGA |
Intel GMA 950 | Modem |
LAN | WiFi | Bluetooth |
Webcam 1.3MP | 5-in-1 Card
Reader | DOS
BenQ Joybook S32B-L.E20
Rp 10.050.000
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400
2.26GHz (3MB L2 Cache,
1066MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
250 GB S-ATA | 13.3 inch Wide
Glare | Intel GMA X4500 up to
358MB | FireWire | Web Cam
2 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card Reader
Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN LAN
Modem Bluetooth Linux
BenQ Joybook S32B-LE19
Rp 8.500.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T5550 1.8GHz (2MB L2Cache,
667MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
120GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 13.3
inch Wide Glare | Intel GMA
X3100 up to 358MB | FireWire
| Cam | Card Reader Slot 5 in
1 | WLAN | LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux. Bonus
Optical Mouse
BenQ Joybook S32B-LE20
Rp 9.450.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T7250 2.0GHz (2MB L2 Cache,
800MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
160GB S-ATA | 13.3 inch Wide
Glare | Intel GMA X3100 up to
358MB | FireWire | Web Cam
| Card Reader Slot 5 in 1 |
WLAN| LAN | Modem |
Bluetooth | Linux. Bonus
Memory 1GB & Mouse
BenQ Joybook S32B-LE27
Rp 8.650.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 1.8GHz
| 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
DVD±RW | 13.3 inch WXGA |
Intel GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN
| Modem | Bluetooth |
Webcam | Card Reader |
Linux (Bonus: Optical Mouse)
BenQ Joybook S32W-LE03
Rp 10.450.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 1.8GHz
| 1 Gb DDR2 | 120GB SATA |
13.1 inch WXGA | Intel GMA
950 | DVD±RW | WiFi | LAN
| Modem | Bluetooth |
Webcam | 5-in-1 Card Reader
| Linux. (Bonus: Flash Disk
2GB, Soft Case, Mouse)
BenQ Joybook S32W-LE19
Rp 9.450.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T7250 2.0GHz (2MB L2 Cache,
800MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
160GB S-ATA | 13.3 inch Wide
Glare | Intel GMA X3100 up to
358MB | FireWire | Web Cam
1.3 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card
Reader Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN |
LAN | Modem | Bluetooth |
Linux. Bonus Memory 1GB &
BenQ Joybook S32W-LE40
Rp 7.700.000
Intel Dual Core T2390 1.86GHz
| 1GB DDR2 | 160GB SATA |
DVD±RW | 13.3 inch WXGA |
Intel GMA X3100 | WiFi | LAN
| Modem | Bluetooth |
Webcam | Card Reader |
Linux. (Bonus: Optical Mouse)
BenQ Joybook S33W-L.E03
Rp 10.050.000
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400
2.26GHz (3MB L2 Cache,
1066MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
250 GB S-ATA | 13.3 inch Wide
Glare | Intel GMA X4500 up to
358MB | FireWire | Web Cam
2 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card Reader
Slot 5 in 1 WLAN LAN
Modem Bluetooth Linux
BenQ Joybook S41-447
Rp 8.550.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T5250 1.5GHz
| 512MB DDR2 | 120GB SATA
| DVD±RW | 14.1 inch WXGA
| Nvidia GeForce Go 8600
WiFi LAN Modem
Bluetooth | Card reader |
Webcam | Linux. (Bonus:
Upgrade Memory to 1GB +
FlashDisk 2GB)
BenQ Joybook S41-448
Rp 9.350.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T5550 1.8GHz (2MB L2Cache,
667MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
120GB S-ATA 5400 rpm | 14.1
inch Wide Glare | nVidia Ge
Force 8600 Max 1GB Turbo
Chace | FireWire | Web Cam
1.3 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card
Reader Slot 5 in 1 WLAN
LAN Modem Bluetooth
Linux. Bonus Optical Mouse
BenQ Joybook S41-455
Rp 10.500.000
Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 2.0GHz
| 1024MB DDR2 | 160GB SATA
| DVD±RW | 14.1 inch WXGA
| Nvidia GeForce Go 8600
WiFi LAN Modem
Bluetooth | 5 in 1 card reader
| Webcam | Linux. (Bonus:
Upgrade Memory to 1GB +
FlashDisk 2GB)
BenQ Joybook S41-E34
Rp 12.000.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T7500 2.2GHz (4MB L2 Cache,
800MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
160GB S-ATA | 14.1 inch Wide
Glare | nVidia Ge Force 8600
| FireWire | Web Cam | Card
Reader Slot 5 in 1 WLAN
LAN Modem Bluetooth
Vista Home Premium. Bonus
Memory 1GB & Mouse
BenQ Joybook S41-LE61
Rp 11.050.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
T8100 2.10GHz (3MB L2 Cache,
800MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
250GB S-ATA | 14.1 inch Wide
Glare | nVidia Ge Force 8600
| FireWire | Web Cam | Card
Reader Slot 5 in 1 WLAN
LAN Modem Bluetooth
Linux. Bonus Memory 1GB &
BenQ Joybook S42-L.E04
Rp 12.100.000
Intel Core 2 Duo P8400
2.26GHz (3MB L2 Cache,
1066MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
250 GB S-ATA | 14.1 Wide
Glare | Intel GMA X4500 up to
358MB | FireWire | Web Cam
2 Mpixel Q-Eye | Card Reader
Slot 5 in 1 | WLAN LAN
Modem Bluetooth Linux
BenQ Joybook X31-L.E03
Rp 14.100.000
Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo
L7500 1.6GHz (4MB L2 Cache,
800MHz FSB) | 1GB DDR2 |
160GB S-ATA | 13.3 inch Wide
Glare | nVidia Ge Force 8600
| Memory | FireWire | Web
Cam | Card Reader Slot 5 in 1
Bluetooth Linux
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